Monday, November 7, 2011

Latest Loves

Been a wee bit since I posted some loves. So here they be:
  • Teaching Sunday School apparently. I never would have thought 5 years ago that I would be all for teaching Gospel Doctrine but I love my calling. I really enjoy it and learn a lot.
  • Games Nights. We have them every Thursday but there's another house that has them on Sunday. Naturally we make an appearance at both. I love being around other people. I consistently meet people that are fabulous discoveries and I enjoy people more that were previously just acquaintances. Love it.
  • Getting a perfect score on my Sociology of Gender paper! Woot woot! It's partially a success because my first test in that class was...not a perfect score, so anytime I can ace anything in that class I get a twinge of satisfaction.
  • My job. I love my job. Yeah I realize that it's not prestigious and it's not going to be the ultimate selling point on my resume, but I'm really blessed to have it. It works with my schedule like a charm. And the people that I work with are gems. The job search was a lengthy process but this one was worth the wait.
  • Orange Juice. Fact. I adore orange juice. In part, I'm sure, because my Medical Sociology teacher talked for a long time about the health benefits of Vitamin D, I guzzle OJ down on a daily basis being consistently pleased.
  • Great conversation with fam and friends. There is something awfully satisfying about a phone call from a loved one that is clearly invested in you that somehow makes any difficulty seem minuscule.
  • Meeting males that redeem the lack of hope I sometimes have in that sex. I have some sort of beacon that attracts jerks for some reason and I am just honestly thankful for the genuinely good, kind males that I meet that help me remember how wonderful some of them are. It gives me hope.
  • Stretching. Odd right? I remember I used to feel some version of distain toward stretching. I just never saw the point and it seemed like a waste of time. On. The. Contrary. I love stretching before a run. It feels like hot chocolate tastes: sooo good. And I love seeing my flexibility progress. Nerdy?? Chances are good.
  • Hulu. It's something that I try to only do on the weekends. But can I tell you a few of my new favorite shows? Last Man Standing--I genuinely enjoy Tim Allen. New Girl--Zoey Deschanel makes me laugh out loud. One Upon A Time--It officially took me three episodes to get into it, but I'm digging it. I wish so badly sometimes that I could pull off a Ginnifer Goodwins cute, short haircut. She's beautiful in such an original, not mainstream way.
  • Music. Even if I'm just making a quick trip to the store, I want my music on. It's just a big part of my life. I love to sing and dance and can't imagine a life without music. It's just Mmm Mmm good. Speaking of, I'm adoring this Coldplay song. And I love that such a famous band did something completely random and not mainstream for their vid. It's just weird enough to make me smirk and think, "Who ARE you guys? Oh yeah, you're awesome."

So things are going well here in Blowsville. I hope you've all noticed some "loves" in your day as well. Chances are that you have been and/or are some of mine. :) Good night!


  1. You're grateful list inspired me. Thanks for your happy attitude all the time:) LOVE YOU!

  2. It feels like hot chocolate tastes...well put.
    Glad you're finding some loves these days. They all sound wonderful to me. I'm going to have to check out Once Upon a Time. I've been eyeing it but have yet to partake.

  3. This is why adore you sweet cousin. Lots of your loves are mine as well. OJ and popcore (yes together) are my favorite. Little of sweet and salty and of course I already knew that we have the same taste in movies and shows. Love you. Keep doing good things.

  4. i love your happy list. and i pretty much totally completely love you. wishing blowgan wasn't so far away...
